Your first step into your wellness journey begins with nutrition. The familiar adage, “You are what you eat!” is indeed completely true and factual. Everything you consume has a direct effect on you both physically and mentally. Smart food choices are inevitable and necessary in order to achieve health and wellness. Our Wellness Coaches offer several programs that can be individualized based on your personal needs.

“One reason people resist change is because they focus on what they have to give up, instead of what they have to gain!”

All programs require a consultation with a Wellness Coach at a rate of $160.00/hour. An average consultation is approximately 1 hour. All programs include a detailed manual, body measurements, and suggested supplementation (if needed).

Weight Loss

Weight Loss - Woman measuring waist with tape measure

We clear up all of the misconceptions about losing weight and the approach to do it safe and effectively. Wellness Coaches focus on educating our patients on the nutritional value of foods, portion control, and preserving lean muscle. The evaluation includes current medical conditions, nutritional practices, activity levels, sleep patterns, and body weight and body composition (% of body fat/lean muscle mass). A 12-week program will be designed and includes 4 body composition measurements to be preformed every 3 weeks.


Anti-Inflammatory - Man holding or rubbing different joins in the body.

Your daily intake of food and drinks can play a significant role in increasing pain and inflammation. Our experts will evaluate your current medical conditions, food and drinks you consume regularly, exercise and activities, and rest and recovery patterns. A 12-week program will be designed and includes 4 body composition measurements to be performed every 3 weeks.

The Active Athlete

Female Athlete posing for picture

This program is for those who follow an active, healthy lifestyle but may want to freshen up their nutritional plan, be coached for an event, or just have accountability to stay focused. Program design will determine the length of time and the number of body compositions needed.

Digestive Matters

Digestive Matters - Woman with cramps holding stomach

Gastrointestinal tract issues are fairly common and can be severe. We approach digestive matters by accessing all the ways the system can be improved as well as suggesting other testing modalities to ensure a thorough diagnosis was made. Nutrition plans are developed around specific issues and nutrient ratios and caloric intake are monitored. Program design will determine the length of time and the number of body compositions needed.

The Detox

Fruit and Veggie blend for detox

While detoxing has become very cliché” with in the wellness world, there is need to cleanse and rest the digestive system. There are many paths from which to choose but all will require a period of fasting. Fasting is necessary for repairing and healing as well as helping the immune system flourish. Program design will determine the length of time and the number of body compositions needed.

Please check our events calendar regularly to see when we have cooking classes, guest chefs, and educational seminars available. These will cover many topics related to food preparation, cooking, and cannabis infusion.

Also on your next visit be sure to check out our retail store for some amazing locally made, completely natural, high quality products!

Thank you for choosing Chesacanna Enhanced Wellness!!