Moving Into Fall
By Ann McCarty
For many of us summer is a time to rest, relax, get outdoors, and spend time with our family. This summer is unique in so many ways that surely it is one for the history books. Masks, canceled trips, social distancing and lots of time spent at home, are all things a lot of us would like to be done with and forget. All of us need to be hopeful as we move forward. We need to start and make new plans. We need to realize that the current situation is here to stay and we need to implement a new way of thinking as we learn to adjust to these new surroundings.
The future is such a relative term. It can be an hour from now, tomorrow or the next month. It is important to remember that as we move forward into the future that we do just that, MOVE. We need to physically move and exercise our minds and our bodies.
Moving is vital for our health and well-being. Physical movement enhances mood, reduces anxiety, depression and improves our overall well being. Regular exercise is beneficial to the lymphatic system by helping the body rid itself of harmful toxins. Bones and muscles increase in strength and mass and our respiratory and cardiovascular systems pump essential oxygen throughout our bodies. When exercising your body you are exercising your brain, this mental movement also has great benefits to your overall wellness. Even though many of us know this, it is still difficult for many to implement regular exercise.
Choosing to move your body is not always an easy choice for some. Wanting to in your mind but physically doing so can feel like a weight holding you back. It can feel overwhelming to begin. Adding movement to your life and routine does not have to be a hardship or a reason to feel stuck. It is however about a mindset, a reshaping of your thoughts with intention.
Intention is just slowing down your thoughts and thinking things through. For most of us this is not something that comes natural, it takes practice. It requires small changes overtime that eventually become a habit and an integrated part of your life. Weight training, swimming, biking, yoga and pilates are all great ways to move your body. Physically moving with intention for you may be parking further from the store than you normally do. It might be finding a walking partner to support you in your intention. You may already be walking and want to run. You can start small, walk for two minutes and run for one. Then you can build up to longer runs and shorter walks until you are running the whole way. All of this is possible with a shift in mindset.
Think of intentional mindset as moving your thoughts. Sometimes you must move your thoughts around to get the result that you desire. Just like physically moving can be difficult and requires practice, so does thinking in a different way. Just like physical movement has many benefits to the body so does this new way of thinking.
As summer creeps to an end, and moves into fall, you can begin to move your body and your mind in a new direction. Reflect on what you have gained this season instead of what you have lost. This will be your first step into a new mindset. Let this first new mental mindset help you to physically begin to move your body more. As you physically begin to move more you will see how your mind will gently begin to feel freer. You will gently begin to see your life and situation shift. Remember to be gentle with yourself as you begin this process. Remember it is a process with many tools to be gathered along the way.
As you begin this process of intention, mindset, and movement, it is important to add a support system and supply yourself with resources to help you meet your goals. If you are ready to strengthen your core in a boutique setting, then consider trying a session with Brenda Liscinsky of BlisPilates. Pilates is a great exercise for both mind and body. If weight training and or conditioning sounds like something you have been wanting to try, contact Marc Spataro of Fitnology. Together Marc and Brenda owners and operators of Chesacanna offer a combined 30 plus years of experience in the health and fitness industry. They have the tools you need to get you moving into fall. In addition, Chesacanna is also a resource that offers a wide variety of tools for you to put into your toolbox. The staff is available to support you along the way. The products that we have in the dispensary as well as in the wellness shop can support you in many ways. Reach out to us in the dispensary or the wellness shop. You can also reach Marc or Brenda with your exercise and wellness questions at Please consider all the ways that Chesacanna can help you enhance your journey into wellness.